Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 3 - Hill Spring, Alberta, Canada

Friday, June 10, 2011
by Gene and Marge Arnott Rig #3 

It was 8:30 am, and the sun was finally shining. Everyone was upbeat and ready for our first adventure! The men drew a card to decide the seat arrangements. What a great idea.

At the Remington Carriage Museum, the largest collection of carriages in North America, we viewed many of the 250+ carriages displayed in either restored or original condition. We also took a carriage ride around the grounds


After a trip to Head-Smashed-in Buffalo Jump, we viewed an interesting film about how buffalo were stampeded over a cliff to fall to their deaths. They were then completely processed for food, clothing, shelter, and utensils for use by the Blackfoot Indians. We also learned from our bus driver, Terry, that Head-Smashed-In referred, not to the buffalo, but to the condition of the Indian Child who was watching the jump from an unsafe place under at the cliff.

After our trip briefing and social hour we enjoyed a very good roast beef and chicken dinner at the Great Canadian Barn Dance. The Kunkel Family also treated us to a lively music show.

And then to bed.

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