Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 14 - Fort Nelson, BC to Liard Hot Springs, BC

Janice and Leslie
Day 14 - June 21st, 2011
by:  Leslie Kilpatrik and Janice Crosson Rig #15
Lots of liquid sunshine heading our way today. We have had more than our share of rain.
While in Banff Leslie bought rubber boots thinking more was to come and now walking in water is not so hard. The morning started out with a climb up Steamboat mountain having up to 10% grades. I was a little concerned but things went fine. After Denver this was a piece of cake.

Everyone was looking forward to those great cinnamon rolls Ken kept talking about at Tetsa River Lodge.
By the time we got there most of the caravan had gotten their rolls. Thanks to Carl & Chris letting us know that two rolls remained. We placed our order right away. Ken was right!!!
our cinnamon rolls

Tetsa River Lodge

Ron & Cindy stopped at Toad River Lodge and had soup which she said was also very good. 
As the day went by there was no let up with the rain. The hwy. goes along side Lake Muncho with its clear blue water. Rocks both small and large had fallen into the hwy. which everyone had to be careful not to run over. On the way we saw black bears and bison.

The campsite at Liard Hot Springs was a little hard for our 5th. wheelers to park but with help from others they got in ok.

Most of the group went to the hot springs but we chose to go out looking for animals since the rain had let up. In the morning it is  on to a new adventure.   

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